Overview of Sleep

There are many different reasons that people experience problems with sleep. Sleep disturbance can be the result of anxiety, stress or physical problems/conditions. If you are experiencing a sleep disturbance, it might be helpful to consult with the SHC or your primary care provider. If you believe that stress or anxiety is the cause of your sleep problems, it might be helpful to consult a Psychologist.

Overall, we have a tendency to not make sleep a priority based on our busy schedules and a belief that we can make it up later. Think of sleep as #1 on your "to-do list." Do not make it the only thing you do only after everything else is done – stop other things so you get the sleep you need.

What Can Be Done

Basic Strategies for Better Sleep

Never Oversleep

Get up at about the same time every day (weekends too!), even on a morning after you have lost sleep. Sleeping late for just a couple of days can reset your body clock to a different cycle – you will be getting tired later and waking up later.

Set Your Body Clock

Light helps restart your body clock to its active daytime phase. So when you get up, get some sunlight in your room. If that's not possible, turn on all the lights in your room and walk around for a few minutes.


Keep physically active during the day. This is especially important the day after a bad night's sleep because when you sleep less, you should be more active during the day. Studies have shown that strenuous exercise (brisk walking, swimming, jogging, squash, etc.) in the late afternoon may promote more restful sleep.

Take a Nap

It's true: 20-30 minute naps have been shown to be beneficial as a supplement to getting your 7-9 hours of sleep. Naps can boost energy and help increase memory. If you find that you are unable to wake up after 20-30 minutes, it could be a sign that you are not getting enough nighttime sleep.