Human Subjects Research Training and Certification

All investigators conducting research involving human subjects are required to comply with the NIH requirements for Education in the Protection of Human Research Participants. Before submitting an IRB Application, researchers must complete an online orientation and certification course addressing the ethics of human subject research. All key personnel involved in a project (i.e., individuals who will have contact with human subjects, with confidential data about human subjects, or with data that will be obtained from human subjects) must complete training and provide certification of completion as part of the IRB Application.

Certification must be maintained throughout any human subject research conducted by an investigator. Certification must be renewed every three years.

Certificates of completion are accepted from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at the University of Miami,


The preferred training for members of the California State University Maritime Academy community is provided free of cost by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at the University of Miami.

The most appropriate CITI course for researchers will be the Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive course. Researchers may consult with the IRB Chair to determine if another course would be more suitable for their specific research.

First time users must create an account and associate themselves with California State University Maritime Academy. When a user successfully completes a course, CITI will issue a completion certificate and notify the CSUM IRB.