CSU Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Award Program (RSCA Funds)

Supports research, scholarly, and creative activity of faculty. Online application deadline for the 2023-24 fiscal year is October 20, 2023.

Apply via InfoReady Here

Department Faculty Development Funds

​During the fall semester, faculty, including the librarian/faculty and coaching faculty, can apply for Department Faculty Development Funds through their respective departments.  Faculty should submit their application to their Department Chair, or Library Dean in the case of the librarians, or Athletic Director in the case of coaching faculty. Application here.

Academy- Wide Faculty Development Funds​

When Department Faculty Development Funds have been completely earmarked, faculty can apply for Academy-Wide Faculty Development Funds. Application here.

Class of 1965 Memorial Endowment

Funds are available for faculty who have an activity that aligns with the endowment purpose: "To motivate, recognize, and promote professionalism and safety in the maritime industry.  The fund will allow qualifying cadets and faculty to attend industry conferences and seminars to improve their professional skills and understanding of the industry. Applications are accepted anytime during the academic year but the funds must be used before June 30th.   The Faculty Development Committee reviews the application and makes their recommendation to the Library Dean. The Library Dean, after consulting with the Vice President of Advancement, makes the final decisions on the awards.  Successful recipients will also have to file a brief account of how the monies were spent with Advancement for their Annual Stewardship Report. Application  here.

President's Mission Achievement Grant

The President's Mission Achievement Grant (PMAG) provides funding for faculty who seek to engage in activities that advance Cal Maritime's strategic plan and support the Academy's mission. Qualifying proposals may receive up to $5,000 and are awarded annually during the Spring semester. Any proposal that addresses one or more of the campus strategic goals and objectives will be considered; however, priority will be given to those that directly support the goals and objectives of the Academic Master Plan.

 Application here.

Faculty Maritime Fund Grant

Up to $500/grant that can be used to meet a variety of academic needs such as the purchase of specialized equipment and computer programs, project funding, conferences, stipends to hire assistants, etc. Applications may be submitted at any time to University Advancement.   Faculty Maritime Fund Grant application.

Instructionally Related Activities Grant

IRA application 2024/25

IRA description and FAQ


Scholarly Activity Fund

The Scholarly Activity Fund is broadly intended to support a wide range of faculty scholarly and research interests. However, awards from this fund are expected to align with one or more of the following top priorities:

  • Projects led by probationary, tenure-track faculty—especially those without access to start-up funds;
  • Projects with the potential for generating revenue (via grants or contracts) to replenish each School’s Scholarly Activity Fund;
  •  Projects that involve multi-faculty collaboration across departments or schools;
  • Projects that involve undergraduate research.

Scholarly Activity Fund investments in faculty research and scholarly activity will (generally speaking) be approved at the level of the deans. Faculty within schools should apply for these funds directly to the dean after securing the endorsement of their department chair. Faculty not housed within one of the three schools may appeal directly to the Provost for Scholarly Activity Funds. For more information, see the Scholarly Activity Fund and application below.

Policy & procedure document here.

Application here.

Start-Up Funds, Policy, Procedure & Guidelines

Faculty Start-Up Funds are intended to jumpstart the scholarly agenda of new faculty and to help position them for success in the tenure review process.

An initial sum of start-up funds will be negotiated when a verbal offer of employment is made to the faculty candidate by the appropriate school or library dean. For more information, see the Start-Up Fund page here.

Travel Forms and Information

  • Travel Authorization All travel expenses must be preapproved by both the Library Dean and/ or appropriate School Dean. Please complete and submit a Travel Request in Concur after your application has been approved and before traveling.
  • Travel Expenditure Reimbursement - for reimbursement for travel expenses, lodging, meals and incidental costs, submit expenses after travel is complete in Concur.
  • Please use Enterprise Rent-a-Car when renting a vehicle for State travel, if possible.
  • Additional information regarding Cal Maritime's travel rules and resources may be found here: Concur Travel and Expense