All proposals require a Proposal Approval Routing Form (PARF), budget, and any other sponsor required documents to be reviewed for institutional approval prior to submission.

Contact RIO

RIO is familiar with the required procedures and documents to ensure your proposal is submitted successfully and in compliance with agency regulations and institutional policies and procedures.

You should email RIO as early as possible in the proposal process and at least 2 weeks in advance of a submission deadline. Please be sure to include in your email, the Request for Proposal (or solicitation) to which you are submitting a proposal. 

Contact Department Chair and Dean/Appropriate Administrator

Faculty should contact their Department Chair and Dean at the same time as RIO. Your Department Chair and Dean will be the first Cal Maritime officials to endorse your proposal. Your Department Chair and Dean will consider your proposal relative to other responsibilities of your department and school.

Staff should contact their appropriate administrator (and, if appropriate, divisional Vice President) at the same time as RIO. Your appropriate administrator will be the first Cal Maritime official to endorse your proposal. Your appropriate administrator will consider your proposal relative to other responsibilities of your department and division.

Complete the Proposal Approval Routing Form  (PARF)

The PARF is designed to provide Cal Maritime officials with an overview of your proposed project and how it affects their areas of responsibilities. While sponsored research and other sponsored programs offer Cal Maritime's faculty, students, and staff outstanding opportunities, Cal Maritime officials must evaluate your proposal relative to the risks, resource commitments, and potential pitfalls of your proposed project. RIO can assist in completing the PARF as needed. After you completed the PARF you must obtain the signature of your Department Chair and Dean/Appropriate Administrator.

Prepare a budget

A budget for your proposed project must be prepared on the RIO budget template. Generally, a budget demonstrates in monetary terms how you will achieve the goals and objectives of your proposed activities. Personnel (including your time and effort commitments), supplies, travel, professional and other contractual services, and other operating expenses should be included in your budget. Indirect costs, or F&A costs, should also be included.

RIO can be especially helpful when preparing your budget. RIO staff are trained to provide you with current cost information for personnel salaries and benefits as well as determining methods to budget costs related to supplies, professional services, and other operating expenses. It may be necessary to survey market conditions or contact specific suppliers to determine costs – RIO can assist you with these items.

Indirect costs, or F&A costs, are generally based on Cal Maritime’s negotiated rate with the federal government or as stipulated by the sponsoring agency. You should review the sponsoring agency’s proposal request documentation to determine what amount of indirect costs are allowed. Please note that submitting a proposal with an indirect cost rate less than Cal Maritime’s federally negotiated rate requires institutional approval.

Prepare required sponsor documents

It is crucial to follow sponsor guidelines when putting together required proposal documents. RIO can assist in understanding sponsor guidelines.

Obtain other required documents

Based on your proposed award, additional documents may be required. Following is a list of commonly required documents:

Cost Share (Match) form - If cost share is required for your proposal you must complete the cost share form; it must be signed by the department/school/division committing the resources that will serve as cost share. Cal Maritime does not commit cost share that is not required by the sponsor. Please see the campus Cost Sharing policy for more information.

Indirect Cost Waiver form - If you are proposing an indirect cost rate that is lower than Cal Maritime’s federally negotiated rate or lower than the indirect costs stated in the sponsoring agency’s guidelines for your proposal, you are required to complete the indirect cost waiver form.

Letter(s) of Commitment - If you are proposing to collaborate with other institutions by issuing subaward agreements, you should obtain letters of commitment from those institutions; RIO can provide you a template, if necessary.

Conflict of Interest form - If you are submitting a proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH) or any non-governmental organization, you are required to complete and sign a conflict of interest disclosure form.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval - If your proposed project includes human subjects research, you must submit an application to Cal Maritime’s IRB and have it approved before starting work. For purposes of the PARF, you must list whether you have already received approval, already submitted your application, or the date by which you plan to submit your application. For more information, please see the campus Human Subjects in Research policy.

Institutional Animal Care Use Committee (IACUC) approval - If your proposed project includes animal research, you may need the approval of Cal Maritime’s IACUC. If required, you you must submit an application and have it approved before starting work. For purposes of the PARF, you must list whether you have already received approval, already submitted your application, or the date by which you plan to submit your application. For more information, please see the campus Animal Care and Use policy.

RIO is available to assist you in preparing and collecting any additional forms.

Any changes between the routing of the PARF and supporting documents and the proposal submission should be discussed with RIO; substantial changes may require rerouting.