Last Updated: 09/09/2021

The Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program, establishes procedures and responsibilities for Cal Maritime employees (i.e., faculty and staff) while engaged in University related activities. While Cadets and non-employees are not covered by Cal/OSHA regulations, they are require to comply with all Cal Maritime requirements, which include Cal/OSHA regulations.  Per Cal/OSHA regulations and Cal Maritime Campus Policy, all Cal Maritime personnel who use respiratory protection equipment including filtering facepiece respirators (N95), shall be included in the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program and comply with the procedures contained herein.

Note: Training Ship Golden Bear (TSGB) is regulated by the same standards described above, whether docked or at sea.

 About  Respiratory Protection Program + 

There are multiple state and federal regulations that govern the occupational use of respiratory protection. The purpose of this document is to establish procedures to ensure regulatory compliance, and safe and effective use of respiratory protection equipment by Cal Maritime personal. The primary objective of the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Safety Program is to prevent and control diseases which may be caused by exposure to hazardous atmospheres through the following:

  • The elimination of hazardous atmospheres wherever possible through the implementation of effective control measures; and
  • Where adequate control measures are not feasible, or while such measures are being implemented or evaluated, the use of respiratory protection to ensure exposures to hazardous atmospheres do not exceed applicable exposure limits.

The Cal Maritime Respirator Protection Program was developed and maintained by the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S). The Program, establishes procedures and responsibilities for Cal Maritime personnel while engaged in University related activities. Per Cal/OSHA regulations and Cal Maritime Campus Policy, all Cal Maritime personnel who use respiratory protection equipment including filtering face-piece respirators (N95), shall be included in the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Safety Program and comply with the procedures contained herein.

  • Because of the potential hazards associated with exposure to hazardous substances and atmospheres, a Respiratory Protection Program has been designed which defines necessary respiratory protection equipment and safe procedures for its use.
  • All activities involving the use of respiratory protection equipment, in facilities controlled by Cal Maritime, shall be conducted in compliance with Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 5144.
  • The Respiratory Protection Program establishes the procedures and requirements necessary to meet various enforcing agencies' regulations for use of respiratory protection equipment and to provide the necessary health and safety protection to those persons falling within the jurisdiction of the program.
  • Department chairpersons, unit managers, and/or principal investigators and line supervisors are responsible and accountable for assuring employee compliance with the respiratory protection program stipulations. EH&S will provide technical assistance to departments in their administration of this program.
Administrative Duties & Responsbilities +

It is the policy of the Cal Maritime to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for each employee (including student and contract employees), and to comply with all applicable occupational health and safety regulations. This Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is intended to establish a framework for identifying and correcting workplace hazards within the department, while addressing legal requirements for a formal, written IIPP.

To assist Cal Maritime in providing a safe, compliant, environmentally sound, and more sustainable operation, each department or operational unit is expected to review, understand, and follow the guidance provided in the Injury Illness Prevention Program components and the function of the integrated campus safety management system (ICSMS) as related to operations under their control.

In a proactive behavior based environmental health and safety model that entire campus community participation reflects a process that embraces the ability to;

  • Eliminate adverse conditions which may result in injury or illness,
  • Recommend the establishment of programs to raise safety consciousness in the community, and
  • Achieve and maintain a beneficial relationship through continuing communication on issues relating to environmental health and occupational safety.

Employees (Including Student workers)

It is the responsibility of all faculty and staff to proactively participate and subsequently comply with all applicable health and safety regulations, Cal Maritime policies, and established safe work practices. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Observing health and safety-related signs, posters, warning signals and directions.
  • Learning about the potential hazards of assigned tasks and work areas.
  • Taking part in appropriate health and safety training.
  • Following all safe operating procedures and precautions.
  • Participating in workplace safety inspections
  • Using proper personal protective equipment.
  • Inform coworkers and supervisors of defective equipment and other workplace hazards without fear of reprisal.
  • Reviewing the building emergency plan and assembly area.
  • Reporting unsafe conditions immediately to a supervisor, and stopping work if an imminent hazard is presented.

Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)

The EH&S Manager, as delegated by the University President, is responsible for the implementation and administrative management for Cal Maritime's Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) that meets the requirements of California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, section 3203) as well as other applicable California and Federal Occupational Safety and Health (Cal-OSHA) requirements.

Further responsibilities are outlined below:

  • Provide advice and guidance to all university personnel concerning IIPP compliance requirements;
  • Provide centralized monitoring of campus activities related to implementation of campus IIPP;
  • Ensure scheduled periodic safety inspections are performed in compliance with regulatory requirements and assist management staff in identifying unsafe or unhealthful conditions;
  • Ensure safety and health training programs comply with regulatory requirements and university policy;
  • Oversee the maintenance of safety and health records consistent with the requirements of this document and regulatory mandates;
  • Ensure program audits, both scheduled and as required by a process, equipment or personnel change, or by a safety program mandate, are performed;
  • Interpret existing or pending safety and health legislation and recommend appropriate compliance strategies to university personnel;
  • Maintain centralized environmental and employee monitoring records, allowing employee access as directed by law.
  • Conduct at least an annual review of this document and make the current revision available on the SRM web site.

Deans, Directors, Department or Operating Unit Management

Campus Department or Operating Unit Head leadership have an integral campus role and shall have a thorough understanding of Injury Illness Prevention Program components and the function of the integrated campus safety management system (ICSMS) as related to operations under their control.

  • The Department Head has primary authority and responsibility to ensure the health and safety of the department's faculty, staff and students through the implementation of the Injury Illness Prevention Program components. This is accomplished by communicating the Cal Maritime's campus emphasis on health and safety, analyzing work procedures for hazard identification and correction, ensuring regular workplace inspections, providing health and safety training, and encouraging prompt employee reporting of health and safety concerns without fear of reprisal.
  • Specific areas include employee and student (both student employees and students in academic programs) education and training, identification and correction of unsafe conditions, and record keeping.  It is recognized that a substantial amount of responsibility falls at this level.
  • Colleges and Departments are encouraged to designate an individual as the College or department safety coordinator, to assist with specific operational environmental health and safety process management components.
  • Ensuring departmental compliance with the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Safety Program;
  • Identifying departmental Supervisors and ensuring they are trained on their health and safety responsibilities; and
  • Providing the necessary resources to ensure the health and safety of their employees.

Managers, Supervisors and Principal Investigators

Supervisors play a key role in the implementation of the Cal Maritime's Injury Illness Prevention Program components. Supervisors may be Management, Senior Research Associates, Department Chairs, Principal Investigators, or others who oversee a project and/or staff. They are responsible for but not limited to:

  • Communicating to their staff and students about Cal Maritime campus's emphasis on health and safety.
  • Ensuring periodic, documented inspection of workspaces under their authority.
  • Promptly correcting identified hazards.
  • Modeling and enforcing safe and healthful work practices.
  • Providing appropriate safety training and personal protective equipment.
  • Implementing measures to eliminate or control workplace hazards.
  • Stopping any employee's work that poses an imminent hazard to either the employee or any other individual.
  • Encouraging employees to report health and safety issues without fear of reprisal.

Academic Programming Faculty and Advisors

It is the responsibility of Faculty, Academic Programming Advisors other Cal Maritime related activities and student clubs to:

  • Develop procedures to ensure effective compliance and support of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program components as it relates to operations under their control. Specific areas of responsibility include student education and training, identification and correction of unsafe conditions, and incident reporting.
  • Develop and maintain written classroom, laboratory, and activity procedures which conform to regulatory, campus and departmental guidelines.
  • Instruct students in the recognition, avoidance, and response to unsafe conditions, including hazards associated with non-routine tasks and emergency operations
  • Permit only those persons qualified by education and training to operate potentially hazardous equipment or use hazardous materials, unless under close supervision.
  • Supervise students in the performance of activities.

Students- Cadets

Students are expected to always adhere to safety practices presented by faculty, technical staff, student assistants, graduate assistants or other authorized individuals.  They must also report potentially hazardous conditions that become known to them. These reports should be made to their supervisors, faculty advisers, Department of Safety and Risk Management, or other responsible parties.

Respirator Users

Cal Maritime personnel who utilize respiratory protection equipment while engaged in University related activities are responsible for:

  • Is trained on and applies "Safe-Work Rules" for users as outlined in this program.
  • Always selects and uses a hand and power tools in a safe manner.
  • Visually inspect tools and safety equipment prior to use.
  • Alerts Owner Department Management when hand and/or power tools need repair/replacement.
  • Assess work area to identify and control any other potential hazard, including, but not limited to installing barricades to keep unauthorized people out of work zone.
  • Proactively use Stop Work Authority when they feel there is an unsafe condition present by means of communicating with Department Management and EH&S to work collaboratively to resolve and improve identified or perceived condition.
  • Understanding and complying with all Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program requirements;
  • Notifying their Supervisor or EH&S about any hazardous conditions observed on the worksite;
  • Not using respiratory protection equipment unless it has been evaluated and approved by the EH&S Program Administrator;
  • Only using respiratory protection equipment if they are currently enrolled in the Respiratory Protection Program and are in compliance with all program requirements;
  • Using respiratory protection equipment where required and in accordance with instruction and training provided by EH&S Program Administrator and their Supervisor;
  • Only using respiratory protection equipment for which they have been trained and fitted;
  • Informing the Occupational Health Physician, their Supervisor, or the EH&S Program Administrator, of any discomfort or personal health problems, caused by, or that could be aggravated by the use of respiratory protection equipment;
  • Guarding their respirator against damage and ensuring it is in proper working order prior to each use;
  • Reporting any observed or suspected malfunctioning of respiratory protection equipment to their Supervisor or the EH&S Program Administrator;
  • Obtaining and replacing filters/cartridges as necessary;
  • Discarding or returning respiratory protection equipment to the EH&S Program Administrator when they are unenrolled from the program, or leave Cal Maritime.
 Hazard Identification & Risk Assessments +

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control (HIRAC)

Integrated Safety Management (ISM)

Cal Maritime is committed to having all campus-related work performed safely and in a manner that strives for the highest degree of protection for the Campus Community. To achieve these goals, Cal Maritime implements, the principles of safety through an Integrated Campus Safety Management System (ICSMS).

Simply put, ICSMS applies a plan-do-check-act approach to campus safety management. Five core activities represent the plan-do-check-act approach, and comprise the underlying process for any construction work activity. The five core activities are:

  1. Define the Scope of Work
  2. Analyze the Hazards
  3. Develop and Implement Hazard Controls
  4. Perform Work Within Controls
  5. Provide Feedback and Manage Change

The identification and analysis of workplace hazards is part of the pre-work planning process. The goal of this core activity is to ensure that the hazards associated with construction work activities are clearly understood and appropriately managed. All new campus work activities, changes to existing work or introduction of new equipment or processes (which introduce new hazards or increase the hazard level) need to be reviewed to analyze hazards, identify safety standards/requirements, and establish appropriate controls. Safety conditions and requirements need to be formally established and in place before construction work is initiated.

The campus Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) process is the principle method for achieving this.

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment &Determining Control Table (HIRAC)

The SRM Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Control Table (HIRAC) process is used to identify, assess and risk-rank Cal Maritime campus-related activities in order to ensure that Cal Maritime Campus Safety programs, activities and work controls are appropriately addressing risks. The initial HIRAC assessment and risk-ranking of campus-related activities was conducted during the third quarter, AY 2016-2017. The HIRAC assessment will be reviewed annually, when new campus-related activities are introduced that create or modify assessed risks, and when worksite observations or accident/incident experience identify previously unrecognized or incorrectly categorized risks.

Hazard Assessment +

Application of Hierarchy of Controls

In developing hazard controls and preparing the Job Hazard Analysis submittal, the campus shall select means and methods to mitigate worker exposure to workplace hazards using the Hierarchy of Controls as specified in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z10-2005 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

The campus shall make a good faith effort to analyze each hazard and identify the appropriate control(s) using the following hierarchy:

  • Elimination or substitution of the hazards where feasible and appropriate;
  • Use of engineering controls where feasible and appropriate;
  • Application of work practices and administrative controls that limit worker exposures; and
  • Provision and use of personal protective equipment

Job Hazards Analysis (JHA)

For the purposes of this section Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) can be used synonymously.  A JHA/JSA can be incorporated into a Pre Task Plan, provided there is a section for employees to review, comment and sign. Core components of the scope of work and relative hazards can be electronically completed ahead of time, provided there is room for current site conditions are able to be readily added as applicable. When the scope or conditions change, the change in work plan should be noted in a different colored pen with employee's initially that they have been briefed on the change.

The Department of Safety and Risk Management will work with individual Departments to develop a master Campus JHA library.

  • Each employee scheduled to work in the activities identified below shall receive safety training in those activities prior to working on them.
  • Subcontractors shall submit a Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) for those construction activities meeting the requirements for performing JHA (see below). The JHA shall be reviewed and authorized to proceed by the Cal Maritime Department of Safety and Risk Management before work commences.
  • Subcontractor shall be responsible for submitting a JHA and work procedures to Cal Maritime Department of Safety and Risk Management for review a minimum of seven days prior to the start of work for most work activities.

JHA Requirements

A JHA shall be written based on the following conditions:

  • Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates
  • Jobs with the potential to cause severe or disabling injuries or illness, even if there is no history of previous accidents
  • Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to a severe accident or injury
  • Jobs that are new to your operation or have undergone changes in processes and procedures
  • Jobs complex enough to require written instructions.

If not otherwise specified in a particular project specification, the JHA shall be performed in accordance with the OSHA 3071.

JHA processes. In general the JHA will include:

  • Description of work phase or activity
  • Identification of potential hazards associated with the activity
  • Address further hazards revealed by supplemental site information (e.g., site characterization data, as-built drawings) provided by the subcontractors construction manager.
  • A list of the Subcontractor's planned controls to mitigate the identified hazards
  • Identification of specialized training required
  • Identification of special permits required
  • Name of the Subcontractor's Competent Person(s) responsible for inspecting the activity and ensuring that all proposed safety measures are followed.

Departments and their Supervisors have the primary responsibility for ensuring workplace hazards are identified and controlled. Specifically, Supervisors are responsible for ensuring documented Job Hazard Assessments (JHAs) are conducted for all jobs and job tasks prior to their commencement. Job Hazard Assessments should encompass the entire process and identify both real and potential hazards. Workplace hazards should be eliminated or reduced whenever possible. When workplace hazards cannot be completely eliminated, or controlled below acceptable exposure limits, engineering controls shall be implemented to eliminate or reduce the risk of exposure. The best time to introduce engineering controls is when a facility or process is in the design phase. An example of engineering controls would be the use of ventilation to capture and remove contaminants before they enter a worker's breathing zone. When engineering controls are not feasible, or have yet to be installed, administrative controls may be used to keep exposures below applicable regulatory limits. Examples of administrative controls are work period reduction, job rotation, appropriate work practices, proper maintenance, and personal hygiene.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as respirators are the last line of defense against workplace hazards and should only be considered when; (1) it has been determined that engineering and administrative controls are not feasible, (2) while they are being implemented, or (3) they are not sufficient to achieve acceptable levels of exposure. If it is determined that respiratory protection equipment is required to keep personnel exposure below applicable regulatory limits, those individuals shall be enrolled in the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program.

To assist Supervisors with the Hazard Assessment process, EH&S has created the Hazard Assessment & PPE Selection Tool Additionally, EH&S will provide Supervisors with Job Hazard Assessment assistance and training upon request.

Respirator Types  +

Respirator Types - Use and Limitations

  • This section contains information about the various types of respiratory protection equipment commonly used at Cal Maritime. It includes information on respirator use, limitations and maximum allowable protection factors. The maximum allowable protection factor is the maximum level of respiratory protection that a class of respirators shall be used for at Cal Maritime.
  • The ability of a respirator to protect a user depends on the respirator type, filter or canister type, contaminant type and concentration, environmental conditions and respirator fit. At Cal Maritime, all respiratory protection equipment selection shall be performed by the Program Administrator.
Authorization  for Use  +

Authorization for Use of Respiratory Protection Equipment

The purchase and use of all respiratory protection equipment by Cal Maritime personnel shall be reviewed and approved by the SRM  If it is determined that respiratory protection equipment is required to reduce exposures below applicable exposure limits, those individuals who are required to use respiratory protection equipment shall be enrolled in the Cal Maritime

Respiratory Protection Program +

In order to remain enrolled in the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program individuals must be up to date on all training, medical evaluation and fit testing requirements. The SRM and/or the Departmental Program Administrator will notify Respirator Users and their Supervisors approximately one (1) month before the user becomes due for training, fit testing or a medical evaluation. When an individual is three(3) or more months overdue for one or more of the enrollment requirements, the Program Administrator will notify the Respirator User, their Supervisor and SRM that the user has been unenrolled from the program, and that they shall no longer use their respirator or perform work activities that requires its use. Supervisors have the primary responsibility for ensuring their users continue to comply with program requirements and are using respiratory protection equipment properly. will also monitor for proper use during audits and inspections

Respiratory Protection Equipment Selection +

Respiratory Protection Equipment Selection

The Program Administrator will recommend respiratory protection equipment to department management and SRM. The final determination on the type of respiratory protection equipment required for each user through the use of the following methods:

  • Reviewing information provided by, or obtained through Job Hazard Assessments (JHAs)
  • Evaluating Safety Data Sheets and/or other information related to the respiratory hazards
  • Consultation with the Supervisor and/or Respirator User
  • Observation of operations and work practices
  • Evaluating existing or alternative engineering controls
  • Evaluating exposure monitoring data
  • Selection choices for new operations shall be added to the Respiratory Protection Equipment Selection Chart and Cartridge Change Schedule. Only NIOSH-certified respirators shall be used.


Equipment Cost +


Where respiratory protection equipment is required, the cost of the required equipment and medical evaluation shall be covered by the Respirator User's department or research group.

Medical Evaluations +

Medical Evaluations

Prior to fit testing or use, Cal Maritime personnel required to wear respiratory protection equipment shall successfully complete a medical evaluation performed by a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP) to determine the Respirator User's ability to use such equipment. The PLHCP is responsible for conducting medical evaluations using the Health Status Questionnaire and any follow-up medical examinations, tests, consultations, or diagnostic procedures that the PLHCP deems necessary (any cost will be recharged to the appropriate department recharge number). The Health Status Questionnaire and examinations will be administered confidentially during the Respirator User's normal working hours.

At Cal Maritime Medical Evaluations are conducted using the 3M Online Respirator Medical Evaluation service or by designated Occupational Health Clinic. Individuals who are required to complete a Respirator Medical Evaluation will be instructed on how to do so by the SRM and the Human Resources Department.

The following information must be provided to the PLHCP before the PLHCP makes a recommendation concerning an individual's ability to use a respirator:

  • The type and weight of the respirator to be used by the Respirator User;
  • The duration and frequency of respirator use (including use for rescue and escape);
  • The expected physical work effort;
  • Additional protective clothing and equipment to be worn; and
  • Temperature and humidity extremes that may be encountered.

The PLHCP shall provide the prospective Respirator User and the SRM with a written recommendation regarding individual's ability to use the respirator. The recommendation shall provide only the following information:

  • Any limitations on respirator use related to the medical condition of the individual, or relating to the workplace conditions in which the respirator will be used, including whether or not the individual is medically able to use the respirator; and
  • The need, if any, for follow-up medical evaluations.

Respirator Users shall stop using respiratory protection equipment and be reevaluated immediately if any of the following occur:

  • They report adverse medical signs or symptoms that are related to ability to use a respirator;
  • A PLHCP, Supervisor, or Program Administrator informs the Respirator User that they need to be reevaluated;
  • Observations made during fit testing and program evaluation, indicates a need for reevaluation; or
  • A change occurs in workplace conditions (e.g., physical work effort, protective clothing, temperature) that may result in a substantial increase in the physiological burden placed upon the Respirator User.
Fit Testing +

Fit Testing

Cal Maritime personnel required to utilize tight-fitting respiratory protection equipment shall undergo and pass a respirator fit test prior to use, and at least annually thereafter. Qualitative and quantitative fit tests shall be administered using the Cal Maritime Respirator Fit Test Protocol. Fit testing shall be stopped and recorded as a fail under any of the following conditions:

  • Hair interferes with the fit or operation of half or full face mask if it extends under the facepiece sealing area. If this condition exists, no attempt will be made to fit such personnel under any circumstances;
  • An individual exhibits difficulty in breathing during the test. If this happens the individual shall be referred back to the PLHCP to determine whether the individual can wear a respirator while performing his or her duties; or
  • If for any reason an individual is unable to obtain a satisfactory facepiece seal when presented with a variety of sizes and models of respirators, that individual shall not be assigned to nor allowed to engage in a task requiring suitable respiratory protection equipment.

Additionally, fit testing shall be repeated if the user experiences one or more of the following after their last fit test:

  • Signs or symptoms of contaminant breakthrough;
  • A weight change of 20 pounds or more;
  • Significant facial scarring in the area of the facepiece seal;
  • Significant dental changes, i.e., multiple extractions without prosthesis, or dentures;
  • Reconstructive or cosmetic surgery; or
  • Any other condition that may interfere with facepiece sealing.
Respirator Use +

Respirator Use

This section outlines procedures for safe and effective use of respiratory protection equipment. Respirator Users are responsible for adhering to these requirements, and Supervisors are responsible for ensuring they are adhered to.

Facepiece Seal Protection

All Respirator Users wearing tight-fitting respirators shall perform a user seal check using one of the following methods each time they put on the respirator:

Positive pressure check: Close off the exhalation valve and exhale gently into the facepiece. The face fit is considered satisfactory if a slight positive pressure can be built up inside the facepiece without any evidence of outward leakage of air at the seal.

Negative pressure check: Close off the inlet opening of the canister or cartridge(s) by covering with the palm of the hand(s) or by replacing the filter seal(s), inhale gently so that the facepiece collapses slightly, and hold the breath for ten seconds. The design of the inlet opening of some cartridges cannot be effectively covered with the palm of the hand. The test can be performed by covering the inlet opening of the cartridge with a thin latex or nitrile glove. If the facepiece remains in its slightly collapsed condition and no inward          leakage of air is detected, the tightness of the respirator is considered satisfactory.

Manufacturer's Recommended User Seal Check Procedures: The respirator manufacturer's recommended procedures for performing a user seal check may be used instead of the positive and/or negative pressure check procedures provided that the employer demonstrates that the manufacturer's procedures are equally effective.

If an individual wears corrective glasses or goggles or other personal protective equipment, they shall ensure that such equipment is worn in a manner that does not interfere with the seal of the facepiece. Individuals shall not be permitted to wear tight-fitting respirators under the following conditions:

They have facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face or that interferes with valve function; or

Any condition that interferes with the face-to-facepiece seal or valve function

Effective Respirator Operation +

Effective Respirator Operation

If contaminate breakthrough, changes in breathing resistance, or leakage of the respirator facepiece is detected, the Respirator User shall leave the Respirator Use Area as soon as it is safe to do so. Respirators shall be repaired or replaced as needed, prior to the Respirator User returning Respirator Use Area. Respirator Users shall also leave the Respirator Use Area to:

Wash their faces and respirator facepieces as necessary to prevent eye or skin irritation associated with respirator use; orReplace the respirator or the filter, cartridge, or canister elements.

Procedures for IDLH Atmospheres +

Procedures for IDLH Atmospheres

For all IDLH atmospheres, Supervisors shall ensure that:

  • One individual or, when needed, more than one individual is located outside the IDLH atmosphere;
  • Visual, voice, or signal line communication is maintained between the individuals in the IDLH atmosphere and the individuals located outside the IDLH atmosphere;
  • The individuals located outside the IDLH atmosphere are trained and equipped to provide effective emergency rescue;
  • The Supervisor or designee is notified before the individuals located outside the IDLH atmosphere enter the IDLH atmosphere to provide emergency rescue;
  • The Supervisor or designee authorized, once notified, provides necessary assistance appropriate to the situation; and

Individuals located outside the IDLH atmospheres are equipped with:

  • Pressure demand or other positive pressure SCBAs, or a pressure demand or other positive pressure supplied-air respirator with auxiliary SBA; and either
  • Appropriate retrieval equipment for removing individuals who enter hazardous atmospheres where retrieval equipment would contribute to the rescue of individuals and would not increase the overall risk resulting from entry; or
  • Equivalent means for rescue where retrieval equipment is not required under subsection (g)(3)(F)2.
  • Equipment Maintenance and Care General Requirements

Respirator Users have the primary responsibility for ensuring their respiratory protection equipment is clean, sanitary, and in good working order. Supervisors shall monitor Respirator Users for proper equipment care as needed, and the Program Administrator will perform inspections of equipment during fit testing. Damaged or altered respiratory protection equipment shall not be used. Respirator Users are responsible for the following:

  • Inspecting their equipment before and after each use;
  • Cleaning and disinfecting equipment after each use, or as needed to ensure a clean and sanitary condition;
  • Properly storing their equipment;
  • Replacing filters/cartridges in accordance with the Cal Maritime Cartridge Change Schedule; and
  • Notifying their Supervisor or Program Administrator if equipment becomes damaged or defective.
Cleaning & Disinfecting +

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Respiratory protection equipment shall be cleaned and disinfected at the following intervals:

  • Respirators issued for the exclusive use of a single individual shall be cleaned and disinfected as often as necessary to be maintained in a sanitary condition;
  • Respirators issued to more than one individual shall be cleaned and disinfected before being worn by different individuals;
  • Respirators maintained for emergency use shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use; and
  • Respirators used in fit testing and training shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
Storage +


All respirators shall be stored to protect them from damage, contamination, dust, sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals, and they shall be packed or stored to prevent deformation of the facepiece and exhalation valve.

Furthermore, emergency respirators shall be:

  • Kept accessible to the work area;
  • Stored in compartments or in covers that are clearly marked as containing emergency respirators; and
  • Stored in accordance with any applicable manufacturer instructions.
Inspection +


Respiratory protection equipment shall be inspected as follows:

  • All respirators used in routine situations shall be inspected before each use and during cleaning;
  • All respirators maintained for use in emergency situations shall be inspected at least monthly and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and shall be checked for proper function before and after each use; and
  • Emergency escape-only respirators shall be inspected before being carried into the workplace for use.

Respiratory protection equipment inspections shall include the following:

  • A check of respirator function, tightness of connections, and the condition of the various parts including, but not limited to, the facepiece, head straps, valves, connecting tube, and cartridges, canisters or filters; and
  • A check of elastomeric parts for pliability and signs of deterioration.
  • Self-contained breathing apparatus shall be inspected monthly. Air and oxygen cylinders shall be maintained in a fully charged state and shall be recharged when the pressure falls to 90% of the manufacturer's recommended pressure level. The employer shall determine that the regulator and warning devices function properly.

For respiratory protection equipment maintained for emergency use, Supervisors shall ensure the information below is provided on a tag or label that is attached to the storage compartment for the respirator, is kept with the respirator, or is included in inspection reports stored as paper or electronic, and is maintained until it is updated following a subsequent certification:

  • The date the inspection was performed;
  • The name (or signature) of the person who made the inspection
  • The findings, required remedial action; and
  • A serial number or other means of identifying the inspected respirator.
Repairs +


  • Respirators that fail an inspection or are otherwise found to be defective shall be immediately removed from service, and are discarded or repaired or adjusted in accordance with the following procedures:
  • Repairs or adjustments to respirators are to be made only by persons appropriately trained to perform such operations and shall use only the respirator manufacturer's NIOSH- approved parts designed for the respirator;
  • Repairs shall be made according to the manufacturer's recommendations and specifications for the type and extent of repairs to be performed; and
  • Reducing and admission valves, regulators, and alarms shall be adjusted or repaired only by the manufacturer or a technician trained by the manufacturer.
Breathing Air Quality & General Use +

Breathing Air Quality and Use General Requirements

Breathing air couplings shall be incompatible with outlets for nonrespirable worksite air or other gas systems. No asphyxiating substance shall be introduced into breathing air lines. Compressed oxygen shall not be used in atmosphere-supplying respirators that have previously used compressed air. Oxygen concentrations greater than 23.5% shall only be used in equipment designed for oxygen service or distribution. Only breathing gas containers marked in accordance with the NIOSH respirator certification standard, 42 CFR part 84 shall be used.

Breathing Air Quality

Local protocols and procedures shall be established and maintained to ensure compressed air, compressed oxygen, liquid air, and liquid oxygen used for respiration meets the following specifications:

  • Compressed and liquid oxygen shall meet the United States Pharmacopoeia requirements for medical or breathing oxygen; and
  • Compressed breathing air shall meet at least the requirements for Grade D breathing air described in ANSI/Compressed Gas Association Commodity Specification for Air, G-7.1- 1989, to include:
  • Oxygen content (v/v) of 19.5-23.5%;
  • Hydrocarbon (condensed) content of 5 milligrams per cubic meter of air or less;
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) content of 10 ppm or less;
  • Carbon dioxide content of 1,000 ppm or less; and
  • Lack of noticeable odor.
Breathing Air Cylinders +

Breathing Air Cylinders

Cylinders used to supply breathing air to respirators shall meet the following requirements:

  • Cylinders are tested and maintained as prescribed in the Shipping Container Specification Regulations of the Department of Transportation (49 CFR part 180);
  • Cylinders of purchased breathing air have a certificate of analysis from the supplier that the breathing air meets the requirements for Grade D breathing air;
  • The moisture content in the cylinder does not exceed a dew point of -50 deg. F (-45.6 deg.C) at 1 atmosphere pressure; and
  • Only the respirator manufacturer's NIOSH approved breathing-gas containers, marked and maintained in accordance with the Quality Assurance provisions of the NIOSH approval forthe SCBA as issued in accordance with the NIOSH respirator-certification standard at 42 CFR part 84 shall be used
Compressor +


For compressors that are not oil-lubricated, carbon monoxide levels in the breathing air shall not exceed 10 ppm. For oil lubricated compressors, high-temperature or carbon monoxide alarm, or both, shall be used to monitor carbon monoxide levels. If only high-temperature alarms are used, the air supply shall be monitored at intervals sufficient to prevent carbon monoxide in the breathing air from exceeding 10 ppm. Additionally, compressors used to supply breathing air to respirators shall be constructed and situated so as to:

  • Prevent entry of contaminated air into the air-supply system;
  • Minimize moisture content so that the dew point at 1 atmosphere pressure is 10 degrees F (-5.56 deg. C) below the ambient temperature;
  • Have suitable in-line air-purifying sorbent beds and filters to further ensure breathing air quality. Sorbent beds and filters shall be maintained and replaced or refurbished periodically following the manufacturer's instructions; and
  • Have a tag containing the most recent change date and the signature of the person authorized by the employer to perform the change. The tag shall be maintained at the compressor
Voluntary Use+

Voluntary Use

Cal Maritime personnel who are not required to use respiratory protection, but would like to do so voluntarily must first receive approval by the SRM. If voluntary use is approved, they shall meet all respirator use requirements and be enrolled into the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program.

Exception: Individuals whose only use of respirators involves the voluntary use of filtering facepiece respirators are not required to be enrolled in the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program. Instead they must read and sign the Cal Maritime Filtering Facepiece Respirator Voluntary Use Form.

Program Review & Continuous Improvement +

Program Effectiveness

Supervisors shall continually survey work area conditions and degree of Respirator Users' exposure or stress while using respiratory protection. When there is a change in work conditions or degree of Respirator Users' exposure or stress that may affect respirator effectiveness, the Supervisor shall reevaluate the continued effectiveness of the respirator and/or notify the SRM.

The SRM and the departmental Program Administrator will also evaluate program effectiveness using the following methods:

  • Periodic Worksite Evaluations
  • The SRM and the departmental Program Administrator will conduct periodic evaluations of the workplace to ensure that the written Respiratory Protection Program is being properly implemented, and that respiratory protection equipment is being used properly.

Evaluations During Fit Testing

The SRM and the departmental Program Administrator will consult with Respirator Users to assess their views on program effectiveness, and to identify any problems during annual fit test appointments. Anyproblems that are identified during this assessment shall be corrected. Factors to be assessed include, but are not limited to:

Respirator fit (including the ability to use the respirator without interfering with effective workplace performance);

  • Appropriate respirator selection for the hazards to which the individual is exposed;
  • Proper respirator use under the workplace conditions the individual encounters; and
  • Proper respirator maintenance.

Annual Review

The SRM and the departmental Program Administrator will  perform and document the following tasks during the annual  Program Review:

  • Review and update written materials and the Respiratory Protection Program website as needed;
  • Audit for Delinquent Users and ensure Respirator Users and Supervisors have been notified;
  • Audit the Cal Maritime Procurement System for improperly purchased respiratory protection equipment; and
  • Review overall program effectiveness by evaluating information collected using the above methods, and make amendments to the Respiratory Protection Program as needed.
Document Retention & Recordkeeping +
  • Departments shall retain training records for at least one (1) year after the person has retired or left University employment. Training completed or recorded on the Learning Management System (LMS) is kept indefinitely.

Medical Evaluations

  • Records of medical evaluations shall be preserved for at least the duration of employment plus thirty (30) years, and shall maintained in accordance with section CCR, Title 8, Section 3204.

Fit Test Records

  • Fit tests records shall be kept for as long as an individual is enrolled in the Cal Maritime Respiratory Protection Program.


Key Terms & Definitions +

KeyTerms & Definitions

Air-purifying respirator

A respirator with an air-purifying filter, cartridge, or canister that removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying element

Assigned protection factor (APF)

means the level of respiratory protection that a respirator or class of respirators is expected to provide.


Atmosphere-supplying respirator

A respirator that supplies the user with breathing-quality air from a source independent of the work environment. This includes supplied-air respirators (SARs) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) units.

Canister or cartridge

A container with a filter, sorbent media, catalyst, or combination of these items, that removes specific contaminants from the air.

Demand respirator -

An atmosphere-supplying respirator that supplies breathing air to the user only when a negative pressure is created inside the facepiece by inhalation

Emergency situation

is any occurrence that may result in an uncontrolled significant release of an airborne contaminant. This may include equipment failure, rupture of containers, or failure of control equipment.


End-of-service-life indicator (ESLI)

is a system that warns the respirator user of the approach of the end of adequate respiratory protection, for example, that the sorbent media is approaching saturation or is no longer effective.


Escape-only respirator

is a respirator intended to be used only for emergency exit from a contaminated area.


Filter or air purifying element

is a component used in respirators to remove solid or liquid aerosols from the inspired air.


Filtering facepiece respirator (dust mask)

is a negative pressure particulate respirator with a filter as an integral part of the facepiece or with the entire facepiece composed of the filtering medium.


Fit factor

is a quantitative estimate of the fit of a particular respirator to a specific individual, and typically estimates the ratio of the concentration of a substance in ambient air to its concentration inside the respirator when worn.


Fit test

is the use of a protocol to qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate the fit of a respirator. (See also Qualitative fit test QLFT and Quantitative fit test QNFT.)


High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter

is a filter that is at least 99.97% efficient in removing monodisperse particles of 0.3 micrometers in diameter. The equivalent NIOSH 42 CFR 84 particulate filters are the N100, R100, and P100 filters.


Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)

is an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual's ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere.


Loose-fitting facepiece

is a respiratory inlet covering that is designed to form a partial face-to- facepiece seal.


Maximum use concentration (MUC)

means the maximum atmospheric concentration of a hazardous substance from which an individual can be expected to be protected when wearing a respirator, and is determined by the assigned protection factor of the respirator or class of respirators and the exposure limit of the hazardous substance. The MUC can be determined mathematically by multiplying the assigned protection factor specified for a respirator by the required OSHA permissible exposure limit, short-term exposure limit, or ceiling limit. When no OSHA exposure limit is available for a hazardous substance, an employer must determine an MUC on the basis of relevant available information and informed professional judgment.


Negative pressure respirator (tight-fitting)

is a respirator which uses a tight face-to-facepiece seal to create negative pressure inside the mask during inhalation with respect to the ambient air.


Oxygen deficient atmosphere

is an atmosphere with oxygen content below 19.5% by volume

Physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP)

is an individual whose legally permitted scope or practice (i.e., license, registration, or certification) allows him or her to independently provide, or be delegated the responsibility to provide, some or all of the health care services required by the regulations.


Positive pressure respirator

is a respirator in which the pressure inside the respiratory inlet covering exceeds the ambient air pressure outside the respirator.


Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR)

is an air-purifying respirator that uses a built-in fan to actively filter ambient air through air-purifying elements to the inlet covering.


Pressure demand respirator

is a positive pressure atmosphere-supplying respirator that supplies breathing air to the facepiece when the pressure inside the facepiece is reduced by inhalation.


Departmental Program Administrator

is an individual appointed by the department or operational management to work collaboratively with the department of Safety & Risk Management (SRM) who is qualified by appropriate training or experience that is commensurate with the complexity of the program to administer or oversee the Respiratory Protection Program, and conduct the required evaluations of program effectiveness


Qualitative fit test (QLFT)

is a pass/fail fit test to assess the adequacy of respirator fit that relies on the individual's response to the test agent.


Quantitative fit test (QNFT)

is an assessment of the adequacy of respirator fit by numerically measuring the amount of leakage into the respirator.


Respiratory inlet covering

is that portion of a respirator that forms the protective barrier between the user's respiratory tract and an air-purifying device or breathing air source, or both. It may be a facepiece, helmet, hood, suit, or a mouthpiece respirator with nose clamp.


Respirator Use Area

is an area where the use of respiratory protection is required. Respirator Use Areas shall be clearly marked using appropriate signage or by other effective means.


Respirator Users

are Cal Maritime personnel (e.g., faculty, staff, students and volunteers) who utilize respiratory protection while engaged in University related activities

Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

is an atmosphere-supplying respirator for which the breathing air source is contained within a portable compressed gas cylinder designed to be carried by the user.


Service life

is the period of time that a respirator, filter or sorbent media, or other respiratory protection equipment provides adequate protection to the wearer


are Cal Maritime personnel with direct supervisory authority, and includes staff administrators, class instructors, teaching assistants, research assistants and faculty.


Supplied-air respirator (SAR) or airline respirator

is an atmosphere-supplying respirator for which the air supply is provided by an external, fixed compressed gas source or compressor. The SAR air supply is not typically carried by the user

Tight-fitting facepiece

is a respiratory inlet covering that forms a complete face-to-facepiece seal.


User seal check

is an action conducted by the respirator user to determine if the respirator is properly seated to the face.




Other Resources+

Other Resources

Regulatory Standards Reference +

Cal Maritime and its subcontractors shall comply with the following requirements.

In case of conflict or overlap of the below references, the most stringent provision shall apply.

    • Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard (CCR, Title 8, Section 5144) 
    • Federal OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134