2017 Campus News

Cal Maritime Cadets Lead Fifth Graders on Marine Science Cruise
On Sunday, September 10, six students from California State University Maritime Academy led a Marine Science Cruise for 24 fifth graders and four administrators from Grace Patterson and Beverly Hills Elementary Schools. The project was part of the Visions of the Wild Festival....

Collaboration Involving Two Classes Brings Mutual Benefit
A new initiative at Cal Maritime is creating collaboration between courses to enhance the quality of education for students....

Cadet-Community Connection Seeks Volunteer Hosts
Cal Maritime's Cadet-Community Connection is looking for volunteer hosts for this year's program....

Cal Maritime Offers College Readiness Series for Parents
Parents of college-bound high school students are invited to attend a free, college readiness series at Cal Maritime....

Vallejo Native Advises Cal Maritime's Largest Graduating Class to Make an Impact
Today, the largest number of graduates in the history of California State University Maritime Academy received their diplomas....

Students Sailing Training Ship to Sacramento
Students from California State University Maritime Academy will get under way for the first of a pair of training cruises this weekend, beginning with a stop in Sacramento Sunday through Tuesday. ...

Vallejo Native to Speak at Cal Maritime's Largest-Ever Commencement Program
Vallejo native Dr. Rick Rigsby will be the speaker at Cal Maritime's largest-ever commencement ceremony on Saturday, April 22....

Free Maritime-Themed Film Festival Returns to Cal Maritime
From World War II-era classic Lifeboat, directed by Alfred Hitchcock to modern, big-budget blockbuster Deepwater Horizon, Cal Maritime's 2017 installment of the Maritime Film Festival will span many decades, genres, and bodies of water....