2021 Women in Maritime Leadership Conference
Welcome Remarks: President Cropper
Keynote: Captain Kate McCue
What is it like to get hired amidst a global pandemic? COVID has impacted our economy and all our practices of ‘Business as Usual.’ If you want a view of the current landscape, this session is for you! Join Cal Maritime alumnae from various industries as well as a LinkedIn HR Business Partner for their insight on how to succeed in this unprecedented environment. This session promises to be a dynamic conversation focused on actionable advice.
Panelists: Piya Kishore; Sheila la Fleur, Rachel Neuharth, Madeleine Wolczko & Spencer Young
Modertor: Jessica Ryals
https://csum.zoom.us/rec/share/gqWrnHkDsadjBNcNufGv0896R6iYzLsHc_kli19kjbZ5-kFtzi7zdplU_p2tXCU.tvIUolAlgmVpzJky Passcode: Yve6v#Cx
In a time when everything around us seems to change faster than we can adapt, we often question ourselves - What am I doing? Where do I need to be? Why is it like this? When will this turnaround? Or how can I get it all done? There may be many different paths to building resiliency but each starts with the self! Join our closing speaker for tips on how to stay motivated, focused and positive in an environment of separation, uncertainty and isolation? Count on an energetic and interactive session focused on the core of resiliency- YOU!
Speaker: Gladys Diva Brown
From experience in her fieldwork, Cristina Zenato will share some of the physical and mental tools she uses to confront her day and her fears, and how this has taught her valuable skills for anything in life. And, Shireen Shipman will share her favorite tricks for working with fear and how to overcome fears to create a happier and more meaningful life.
Powered by the growth of e-commerce, more cargo is being shipped today than ever before. What does this mean for the future of shipping and logistics? Expert panelists will discuss recent industry trends in ocean and inland transportation. Panelists will touch on all aspects of shipping, like logistics of cargo and the strategies in place to protect our environment. This session will showcase Matson’s vision for the future of shipping and logistics, from rapid changes in technology to consumer trends, especially with the ease of shopping from Amazon.
Panelists: Konner Edmiston, Tracy Jarek, Catherine Mukai, Emily Pahon
Passcode: dC+g%e6K

In decades past when the first women entered the maritime industry, they made significant strides in closing the gender gap. However, many gains in the push for diversity were lost as that momentum was not carried forward from one generation to the next in the absence of a strong network among seafaring women. Now, thanks to social media and burgeoning support groups that have sprung up in recent years, our networks are gaining strength. Energy and enthusiasm for our shared experience bolsters women's confidence in pursuing their careers, which is why it is essential to maintain networks and share information. Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways we connect as human beings, and now there is an unprecedented level of networking and storytelling happening among women in maritime on a global scale. We must keep this momentum, and in doing so we will usher in a new era of gender diversity and inclusivity in the maritime industry.