Why was I Assigned this Training?

Trainings in CSU Learn are built and assigned in collaboration with several subject matter experts, including:
  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Information Security
  • Labor Relations
  • Procurement and Contract Services 
  • Professional Development 
  • Title IX Coordinator
Some trainings are assigned to all state employees.
Some trainings are assigned through a combination of job codes and department codes, based on the nature of the job and department.
Some trainings are assigned manually, in collaboration with subject matter experts.

Frequently asked assignment questions

QUESTION: I already completed the Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program. Do I need to complete the Discrimination Harassment Prevention Program?
Yes. All state employees are required to take two of the following three courses, depending on their role:
  • CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors
  • CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention Program for Supervisors
  • CSU's Sexual Misconduct Prevention Program
The compliance requirements for these courses are separate. They are not the same course.